The characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment of varicose veins in the legs of women

Types of treatment for leg veins on men and women did not differ, however, the frequency of postoperative recurrence is higher for women in relation to the additional influence of hormones (estrogenic influence).

varicose veins

Venous disease of the feet should be treated by the doctor-flebologa, that takes care of this pathology. Different methods of treatment of varicose veins are not radical, because it is not focused on the removal of the main pathogenic reasons for the failure of the apparatus of vienna. Surgical and conservative treatment, slow the progression of the disease in long rows. The percentage of recurrence is high and reaches 10 to 50% after 5 years after the surgery.

Treatment of varicose veins should be comprehensive. There are three groups of methods of solution of varicose veins:

  • surgical,
  • conservatives.

Each type of treatment has its advantages and disadvantages, a certain frequency of recurrence. Selection of a method is conditional, as well as a phlebologist for the achievement of most of a favorable result, it is often necessary to combine the three methods.

The characteristic symptoms varicose veins in women

General of the manifestations specific to women

The symptoms of the varicose disease begin with the appearance of these functional disorders such as heaviness in the legs, swelling of the ankle joints at the end of the day. In the skin of the feet, first, forming spider veins.

The main symptoms of the disease of the unification of esophageal varices in advanced of the veins saphenous, appear within a few years of the onset of the disease.

In the absence of treatment at this stage, symptoms such as cramps in the muscles of the calf of the leg, itching of the skin on the feet.

The signs of trophic violations: the pigmentation of the skin in the lower third of the leg, cyanosis, sclerotic changes in the subcutaneous tissue, eczema, in the background, which creates a food of the pest.

The characteristic symptoms varicose veins it is the of women

  • The painful symptoms that appear cyclically, reinforcing prior month, which is due to a change in the level of sex hormones;
  • during the pregnancy emerged signs of varicose veins after delivery may disappear;
  • in the second half of the menstrual cycle due to the action of progesterone, the diameter of the varicose vein is increased, therefore, the symptoms of swelling and heaviness in the legs is expressed;
  • the signs of varicose veins are exacerbated during hormonal therapy.

Now we will talk about the methods of therapy.

The best methods of treatment

The radio-frequency ablation and coagulation by laser

Radio-frequency ablation of veins

The method is based on the introduction of beneath ultrasound special control of a single catheter in the extension space of the of vienna.

the legs

The catheter is equipped with a working electrode, part of which, under the action of the radiation is heated up to 120 degrees. The advancement of the catheter along vienna leads to the agglutination of the vascular wall. Affected of vienna, are disconnected from the system of the circulation of the blood in the legs.

Venous coagulation laser

The technique of the operation consists in puncture of the vein affected and the introduction into its lumen under ultrasound guidance, a laser fiber optic. Under the action of the laser radiation occurs by the coagulation of the proteins of the vascular wall and, consequently, vienna disappear and after a while, overgrown connective tissue.

Radiofrequency ablation and vein laser obliteration are relatively new methods of treating varicose veins in the legs. Despite the differences in technical execution, they have common characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages of radiofrequency ablation and vein laser obliteration


  • Not require hospitalization;
  • The speed of execution (between 30 minutes to 1 hour);
  • Without pain;
  • Without the shedding of blood;
  • It is performed under local anesthesia;
  • The lack of post-operative scar (the desire for women aesthetically effect);
  • Short terms of rehabilitation.


  • The high price;
  • The frequency of recurrence of up to 10%;
  • The impossibility of the realization of the procedure, when some of the anatomical features of the veins (severe tortuosity of vessels).

Radiofrequency ablation and vein laser obliteration choose to women who want to treat varicose veins on an outpatient basis, with a minimum limitation of physical activity in the post-operative period and with the conservation of the aesthetic appearance of the legs.


In the lumen of the affected segment of the vein is entered the drug, which has a specific action in the vascular wall. The agent can be used in liquid form or in the form of foam. You should give preference to foam sclerotherapy, due to the increased area of contact of the substance with the wall of the vein.

Advantages and disadvantages of Fleboskleroterapija:

  • The lack of post-operative scar;
  • Is carried out on an outpatient basis;
  • The operation is performed without anesthesia;
  • Handling virtually painless (a mild burning sensation at the puncture site);
  • It is possible to prolonged pigmentation of the skin at the puncture site (up to 2 years);
  • In rare cases, the postoperative swelling of the vein (phlebitis);
  • Swelling and redness of the tissues within 2 days after the procedure;
  • An allergic reaction if you are hypersensitive to the drug and
  • In 20% of cases occur spider veins on legs (telangiectasias);
  • The frequency of recurrence of up to 50%.

The recurrence of varicose veins after sclerotherapy depends on the light of the affected vessel - the higher the ride height, the higher the risk of recanalization in him. This therapy choose in the treatment of recurrence after varicose vein surgery phlebectomy.

Surgical phlebectomy

The surgery is more radical in the way of removing the varicose disease. The principles of surgical treatment consists in the removal of the injury of the restoration of the blood from deep into superficial veins of the legs and removal of the same advanced vessel. Stages of combined phlebectomy:

the disease of the veins
  • The intersection and ligation of the mouth of the great saphenous vein (incision in the groin area) or low of the great saphenous vein (incision in podkolennoy the fovea);
  • The removal of the trunks of varicose veins. Is performed with the help of a special metal probe, which is drawn from the vein in the incision of the skin.


  • The radicality;
  • The possibility of performing the operation at any stage of the disease.


  • The hospitalization of 5 to 7 days;
  • Corns on the feet;
  • Anesthesia or general;
  • Injuries of the surrounding tissues to the stretching of vienna;
  • Possible complications: bleeding, infection of the wound;
  • The frequency of recurrence of up to 20%.

Treat operational and preferably with a certain type of injury, when it occurs the veins varicosasNaya deformation is large or small veins saphenous considerable throughout the course. So, when there are indications that the trophic of the violations of the soft tissues and symptoms of decompensation of the venous insufficiency.


Miniflebjektomija – own version of the intervention, which can treat the varicose veins of the feet in the initial stages. It is most often used the presence of polymorphisms of esophageal varices advanced sites in the legs. Is performed the puncture of the skin on the pathological education and with the help of a hook that stretches and crosses of vienna. The operation does not require general anesthesia and the imposition of the skin of the seams.

Conservative therapy

Begin to heal the varicose vein disease in the legs is due to the implementation of medical treatments and compression therapy. The designation of medicines improve the circulation of the blood and the doctor compressive are the conditions that determine the outcome of any intervention in the veins of the legs.

Medical therapy

Drugs stop symptoms of venous insufficiency, are applied as the preoperative training and the post-operative rehabilitation.

Try special medicines varicose veins in the legs of a long time in continuous mode, or in the form of repetition of courses.

Compression therapy

Elastic the ratio of compression in the legs, the leader of a method of treatment in cases where surgical intervention is contraindicated. As compression tools that you can use elasticheskie the bandages and the doctor knit: socks, socks, socks. The health products are of high resistance, long time keep the level of compression, easy to use, which is important for women.


There are 4 classes, stretch knit, depending on the degree of compression. Recommended to treat the varicose veins with the use of the products of the class 2 in the absence of progression of the disease for a period of up to 6 months and with a greater use of the physical load or stays long in the legs. If there are signs of injury of the valves of the deep veins and / or expressed by the symptoms of disorders, lymphatic drainage, are assigned to the sweaters of the class 3 until the stop of the progression of varicose veins.

The medicinal effect of the compressive conditioned by:

  • the decrease of the amount of vienna, which translates into a lower replacement of blood in the varicose veins in the blood vessels;
  • the increase of the suction of the surface of the liquid in the stream, thanks to which the signs of inflammation and the symptoms of heaviness in the legs disappear;
  • improvement in the fluidity of the blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots.