What medications are prescribed for varicose veins of the veins in the legs and as you take?

varicose veins

Varicose veins – a serious and chronic disease, the main signs that you are stretching the tissues of the vascular wall with the educational vein of the nodes. We observed a significant alteration of blood flow and its stagnation in the vascular system.

The medical therapy in this disease is an important component in the comprehensive treatment of varicose veins. In practice, all the 9-10% of patients who suffer from this disease, is carried out the surgical intervention. Most of the case histories demonstrate that the treatment of varicose veins is through medications.

The general strategy of treatment of the

The treatment of varicose veins of medications should begin as soon as possible. In this case, the process stops and does not let you move forward. Tools generally accepted long-term change, sometimes up to 6 months as a stand alone therapy and prevention, and in the form of additional component stages, before and after the operation.

The treatment of varicose veins of medicines is the only possible one in the case of contraindications to the intervention.

The medical therapy does not resolve the venous and sites entirely is not able to remove the spider veins. But to make the scheme of treatment with drugs acting as a barrier to the development and progression of the disease.


For thrombophlebitis, ulcers trophic, and thrombosis did not become his constant companions, begins to take medications for varicose veins of the veins in the legs before the first symptoms of the disease. Even surgery works only with the help of the medication therapy.

From the group of drugs and their effects

When venous varicose veins medicinal substances classified by type of action into three main groups:

  • venotonic or phlebotrophic means;
  • sanguinem-this [scens media (blood thinners) and medications depressants the sticking of the platelets (antiplatelet agents);
  • the anti-inflammatory drugs.

One of the challenges for the treatment of varicose veins of medicines – strengthening the tone of the vessel walls and the stabilization of the bleeding vein. This task decide effective phlebotrophic venotonic drugs which necessarily enter into the scheme of treatment and prevention.

Research and medical practice have demonstrated the efficacy of phlebotonics, elaborated to base of flavonoids natural – diosmin and hesperida.. These substances not only protect the cells of the veins, but stimulate the backflow of lymph and stabilize the work of the capillaries. It is especially effective simultaneous reception of drugs combined, in which both have flavonoids.

Often phlebotrophic media take 2 to 3 months of change. It is important, for the reception of match with the hot weather of the year, when the pressure on the vessels increases due to high air temperature and the consumption of large amounts of water. If varicose veins are accompanied by chronic venous insufficiency, phlebotonics are consistently involved in the half of the dose.

The patient with the diagnosis of varicose veins from the beginning we must receive systematic treatmentto prevent the development of the disease and reducing the likelihood of complications.

The second task they decide to blood-thinning medications (anticoagulants), and improve their amounts accumulated in the property, avoiding the formation of thrombotic clots (antiplatelet agents).

The formation of clots of blood, its separation from the vascular wall and the movement of venosay channel leading to the floor of the vessels of the heart, the lungs and the human brain. As a result, it is very high the probability of developing a myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism (pe) and ischemic stroke.

Antiaggregants are not a cure for varicose veins, but that they are used as a tool for the prevention of its serious complications – thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. It can be said that these drugs which save the life of the patient and to reduce to a minimum the threat of disability.

In order to reduce the pain, swelling, spread the arms of tissues and other symptoms of inflammation of the vein wall, use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications painkillers.

The list of the most effective means


Important: in the form of tablets phlebotrophic medicines for varicose veins are contraindicated for the use in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, and hypersensitivity to the components.

The dose and duration of drug therapy in varicose veins of the lower limb calculated by the doctor based on the severity of the veins of the process and of the story.

Medicines to thin the blood in varicose veins

the cream of varicose veins

The appointment of antiaggregant agents in the form of injections and tablets to improve the fluidity of the blood and prevent blood clots, deals only with primary care physician. The dose and scheme of treatment of the patients, only assigned individually.

The blood-thinning medicines varicose veins, as chimes, trental, pentoxifylline, have serious contraindications and side effects. In your application occurs the need to regularly monitor the indicators of the coagulation of the blood, when it makes the analysis of the INR.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances

This type of medications are needed when the pains, which are applied during the bed of a vessel, with a growth of the temperature, to reduce the swelling and other symptoms of the inflammatory process. They will help you to stop the process of development of varicose veins in thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, which are dangerous to life.

Dosage and duration of the course is defined only by your doctor, because these medications can have serious contraindications and side effects.

What should not be done

The diagnosis of varicose veins falls with the care of referring to a style of life, nutrition and sport. Not allowed:

  • physical assets of the cargo, run, jump (meet the yoga classes);
  • much standing or prolonged sitting position;
  • the use of all medicines without talking to your doctor phlebologist;
  • during a lot of flights forced a fixed position of the feet. In addition, in the great heights there's a dramatic condensation of the blood, which leads to the formation of blood clots;
  • the adoption of whirlpool tubs, to the sauna;
  • it is expressly forbidden for cupping and honey massage, only is allowed in the manual of medical massage.

Possible complications

Ulcers trophic cause severe pain, the violation of lifestyle, work and sleep, as a result of a greater sense of heaviness in the legs, and the impossibility of a long time of walking and movement.

  • Ulcers trophic – the form of the complications of varicose veins, which is manifested in the development and the continuous deepening, non-healing sores. Usually in the lower leg occurs private painful ulcer, in which, often look "weeping" in the form of allocation of serous bloody fluid that covers the dead of the fabric.
  • Thrombophlebitis is characterized by acute inflammation of the wall of the affected vessel, with the formation of thrombotic masses, to cover the lumen of the vein, and violate the normal flow of blood. When walking or standing pain occurs, the congestion and compaction of the tissue throughout vienna, often the temperature rises.
  • The gap of vienna or host causes a strong bleeding which requires urgent medical assistance.

Call urgent medical care

The immediate conversion to a medical doctor is required when the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • The amplification of the pain in the affected limb, the inability to get out of bed or do several steps;
  • The skin in the leg, hot, edematous and coarse to the touch.
  • The color of the skin changes from pale to cyanotic or cyanotic red;
  • The sudden difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, sweating, and acute weakness;
  • The bleeding of the affected area of the skin or veins of the site.

Necessary medications in varicose veins of the lower extremities must necessarily be present in the scheme of comprehensive treatment. Even after the completion of the surgery, you will need several courses of the receipt of the phlebotonic and antiplatelet agentibus tools for the prevention of possible trophic disorders, inflammations and complications on the background of the disease.

Many of those formed by several parts medications for varicose veins act combined, have several functions. The efficacy of these drugs is more pronounced. Optimally, the application of treatments of change in the right dose, calculated phlebologist, in combination with compression therapy, yoga classes, swim in the pool, the herbal medicine.