The treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins (varicose veins) is a chronic disease, which is characterized by the knobby of the vein with the violation of reflux of the blood and stagnation in the venous system.

In the beginning, varicose veins do not cause any type of discomfort and it is only the cause of the defect: the emergence of a translucent through the skin nodosum of the veins of the slate brown color.

Varicose veins

The symptoms of varicose veins

It is necessary to consult a phlebologist, if you experience any of the following symptoms of varicose veins:

  • translucent through the skin and twisted veins in the legs;
  • the feeling of heaviness in the legs, fatigue;
  • uneven brown pigmentation of the skin in the area of thighs and ankles;
  • periodic pain in the legs;
  • swelling of the shins and feet, which usually appear after a long time standing or sitting with drooping feet;
  • episodes of the appearance of cramps in the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • in the late stages of the disease ulcerative defects of the skin of the feet or in the area of the joints.

Watching the first signs of vein disease, do not delay and immediately contact your professional phlebologist. The latest of diagnostic equipment through the removal of varicose veins, it allows experienced doctors to identify the development of the disease in an early stage and prevent complications.

The main causes of the appearance of varicose veins

The veins varicosasnome the expansion of the veins, often result in:

  • innate weakness of the vein wall, which predisposes to the development of varicose veins and is transmitted by inheritance;
  • sex – women suffering from varicose veins in the legs two times more often than men. According to one theory, this is related to the use of high heels;
  • prolonged exposure to the feet. Often the veins varicosasom suffering people of the profession related to the work "feet": clerks, teachers, hairdressers, and others;
  • age – varicose veins more often develops after the age of 45;
  • physical inactivity, work that requires an extended stay standing, or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • too intense physical activity.
  • obesity and being overweight.

The stage of varicose veins

1 phase – phase compensation. Expresses the manifestations of the venous insufficiency is not. Bother discomfort and fatigue of the legs.

2 phase – phase subcompensation. Appear sensations of pain, the veins begin to bulge under the skin in the form of nodes.

3 phase – a phase of decompensation. It is characterized by disorders of the blood flow of the lower extremities, develop trophic of the violation of the skin, it is possible to form continuous non-healing of venous leg ulcers.

In clinic for the treatment of the varicose disease is necessary to go already when the symptoms of the first phase – so it will be easier and faster to get rid of the disease, as well as to prevent the development of complications.

Complications of varicose veins

Lipodermatosclerosis \ white atrophy of the skin

Lipodermatosclerosis is fibrous, the rebirth of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The fabric when this loses its elasticity and mobility. The most extreme form of lipodermatosclerosis and white atrophy of the skin.

Food for eczema \ dermatitis

The eczema occurs in the later stages of varicose veins is a swelling and redness of areas of skin on the feet. The progression of varicose veins surgery worsens the nutrition of the skin, which leads subsequently to the appearance of venous ulcers.

Varicose veins

Acute thrombosis in the veins

On the basis of this complication of the varicose disease is – the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) in the deep veins of the legs, which with the flow of blood can enter the heart or the lungs. The state requires a physician immediately!


Thrombophlebitis – inflammation of the vein wall with the formation of a blood clot which closes the vessel lumen. In most cases, the thrombophlebitis is the result of the "execution" of the form of varicose veins.

Trophic of the plague

This long is not healing the defect of the skin that develops on the background of venous stasis, requires a comprehensive treatment.

The bleeding of the varicose veins

The bleeding occurs most often of trophic venous ulcers of the legs, but can also be of the veins. First aid in case of bleeding of the varicose veins: you have to put a pressure bandage directly on the site of the hemorrhage, the raising of the leg above the horizontal, the level, the next hospitalization is necessary.

Prevention of varicose veins

To never find with varicose veins, it is necessary to:

  • avoid prolonged standing or a seat; to leave the habit of a long time in the standing position on one leg;
  • to avoid the appearance of extra pounds;
  • regularly physical culture (gymnastics, swimming, etc);
  • pick up comfortable shoes, try not to use high heel shoes each day.

The treatment of varicose veins

Today the removal of varicose veins in the legs occurs most often without traumatic interventions, as it was 10 or 15 years ago. The recovery after the treatment takes a minimum of time!