Varicose veins in the legs - symptoms and treatment

The disease of "the extensive geography", which is diagnosed in more than half of the inhabitants of the earth – the varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Veins varicose veins driven by strong disturbances in a system of reflux of the venous blood in the foot area, or the overflow and vascular obstruction, leading to the development of the degradation processes in the venous walls. This process contributes to the insolvency of the valve system and connective tissue weakness of the veins.

varicose veins in the feet

In "the root of evil"?

A huge system of ramified deposits, including surface waters and deep as the vessels supplies blood to the human heart. The joins between a sort of alarm system, it allows the timely discharge of blood.

The main burden in the supply of the circulation falls into a deep as the vessel, due to its volumetric and resistance. And only a small dose of loads that assume surface of the vessels.

The heart as a pump, "away" from the blood vascular bed widths. Under certain load conditions (walking human, should be squat, etc) heart, to push through the veins, exceeds the gravitational force (of gravity). When the muscle tissues of the legs relaxed (with little natrenirovannosti, or in a state of rest), under the weight of the severity of the blood, quickly low to the legs.

The presence in the walls of the veins special pockets, contributes to the fulfillment of the valvular function and prevents the inverse of the circulation of the blood. The value of the valve system is very large, performs the function of shutter and any damage that leads to alterations in the blood flow and improve blood flow, since of high down.

This causes the stagnation of the blood in the veins, its expansion and inflammation, the swelling and the bumps, the inconsistency of the valve of the system is not able to cut the enlarged vein. The result is the violation of the circulation of the blood in the limbs and other venous extension.

The cause of varicose veins

The disease has two forms of development – primary and secondary. The genesis primary extensions of the legs conditioned to the venous pathology of the wall:

  • the reduction of its tone;
  • the loss of elasticity;
  • increased intravenous pressure;
  • nodular entities advanced vessel.

In the development of pathologies, not the last role play:

  • the genetic predisposition;
  • advanced age;
  • excess weight and injuries;
  • enlargement of the load on the veins of the legs.

Lead the development of the disease can be sudden load on the legs and strains, pregnancy and childbirth. The consequence of these factors, in most cases, becoming in an increase of the intravenous administration of pressure in the extremities and damage to the valve train of the apparatus.

The secondary cause of the way – the post-thrombotic varicose veins surgery conditioned by the pathological processes in the vasculature itself in the foot in the form of:

  • thrombosis, entrained in the primary phase of the disease;
  • congenital vascular dysplasia and the fistula in the arteries and the veins;
  • the syndrome Parkes-weber;
  • tumors and lesions;
  • immune and neuroendocrine violations.
the disease of the veins

The additional factor of development of varicose veins in women can serve as the oral contraceptives that cause a hormonal imbalance. The direct dependency has not been confirmed, but due to its reception can develop complicated processes that already exist in the pathology arising from the veins varicosasom of the extremities.

Initial signs of varicose veins in the legs are non-specific and few in number. It is very pronounced veins, varicose veins, pain syndrome in the legs, if the loads are necessarily accompanied by an of the hill and the burning of the affected areas.

Normal – the fatigue of the feet, swelling of the back of the stop zone and the ankles. It appears the syndrome of pain whining character direct the motion of the venous vessels.

Normal a symptom of the initial phase of the disease is that the pain and the swelling is more manifest in the night and the morning passed. The changes visible veins in the onset of the disease does not occur. The patient may experience, only a great fatigue.

  • The disease progresses slowly, may develop years. The lack of timely treatment can manifest itself as chronic venous insufficiency.

The symptoms of varicose veins of the legs - 7 signs of

Main symptoms of varicose veins in the legs are characterized by:

1. The external changes of the vessels. Modified the shape and configuration of deep subcutaneous vessels and most bright symptoms of varicose veins. It is observed saccular or uniform focal thickening of the vessels with nodular entities and of the location of a club.

Turn purple or cyanotic color. Before not visible small blood vessels appear on the surface in the form of fine vascular of the grid. Often, these changes manifest themselves in the leg and in the inner zone of the foot.

2. Armbar syndrome. Of its Normal manifestation – of-calf. With the development of the disease, become stronger and accompanied by muscle cramps of the leg, orthostatic disease – care pain in the supine position and the reset, if the change in the standing position.

Painful to palpation, if there are no visible changes, confirmed by the fact that lesions in the deep underlying of the vessels.

3. Swelling. The manifestation of the swelling of the legs, in the process of varicose veins – characteristic of the symptomatology. It expresses the localization in the lower third of the leg and the foot. To the east, in the perspective of the defeat occurs, itching of the overlying skin.

If, within a night of rest, the swelling does not go away, it is an alarm signal, as a witness of the final phase of the progression of the disease (stage of decompensation). In this situation, you must exclude the accession of the infection and do not miss the development of venous leg ulcers.

4. Itching in the skin, which manifests itself before the development of bright signs of varicose veins, when they have already arisen expressed pathologies of the venous reflux.

5. The hyperpigmentationthat occurs on the background of bright of clinical signs. The skin in the area of the damaged veins, your gait and close to places of injury and damage, is subject to induration (compaction), it becomes dark and blue, produces the thinning of the surface epithelium and atrophy of the subcutaneous structure.

6. Hyperthermia a sense of a permanent freezing of the extremities, fingers and feet.

7. The development open of venous leg ulcers is complicated by the option of varicose veins, or the result of certain changes in areas of the skin in the last stage of the disease.

Different people and of a disease differently, according to individual differences of the location of the venous vessels (surface or deep).

Therefore, the more dangerous "submarine stone" varicose veins, discrete, asymptomatic, that may manifest itself immediately initiated the stage.

Which doctor specialist should I contact?

treatment of varicose veins

In the demonstration, even early signs of the disease, you should consult immediately to the doctor. In fact, in an early stage, the development of the disease it can still stop the medication therapy. The treatment of varicose veins in the legs takes care of a doctor.

If a specialist in the health center cannot resolve the problem, the appointment of adequate treatment.

The treatment of varicose veins in the legs

The treatment of varicose veins of the legs is constructed according to the degree of vessel condition.

  1. The first stage of obedience to a manifestation of the syndrome of fatigue of the legs, accompanied by swelling.
  2. The second stage classified the pathology, with a constant edema, pigmentation of the skin with the stamp of the structures under the skin (fiber), and the development of different foci.
  3. The third stage is characterized by ulcerative defects trophic of the genesis.

Of course, that cut the process easier, and not to wait until the third degree of the disease. In the early stages to stop the process even can the medication therapy, accompanied by their effectiveness, the pets of the media.

There are many tools available for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs in the early stages of the disease. Here are the medication or procedures other than minimally invasive techniques.

First of all, it is the compression garment (socks, stockings, socks) and elastic medical tape. The tightening of certain muscle groups, there is an improvement of the blood flow and the reduction of the processes of stagnation of the blood. This technique eliminates the continuation of the expansion of the blood vessels and the development of thrombosis.

Today, the ideals, the drug of varicose veins, which affect all the links of the pathogenic process in the development of disease is not. In most cases, apply a special therapy. In part to stop the development process in the early stages of the conservative therapy of the possible, but they are all available components of the education drug may not be deleted.

Medications for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs

1. The main appointed drugs that may restore the vascular tone, remove the venous stasis and to improve the processes of microcirculation in tissues in the form of aerosols, gels, pills, and ointments.

2. To avoid the development of thrombosis are assigned to the drug, with the inclusion of the heparin, is well thinning the blood.

3. For the reduction of inflammatory processes, swelling and pain, often are assigned to special gels, sprays, and ointments varicose veins.

In the surgery

When you run the process of varicose veins in the legs, the operation can not be avoided. Modern techniques are minimally-invasive and differ radically from the old methods. It is distinguished from the small travmatichnostyu and the lack of the specific aches and pains. Is:

  • minimally invasive technical procedures, eliminate the pathology of venous return;
  • multiple modifications of the selected procedures taking into account current pathology;
  • the methodology of sclerosing, based on the solution of blood flow by the method of the formation of lumps venous walls;
  • the closure of venous clear laser coagulation;
  • treatment of varicose veins great vessels, radiofrequency ablation method;
  • and combined the methodology of sclerosing and other procedures.

The method of treatment is adjusted, taking into account the clinical picture. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help on time. You should not rely on the effectiveness of the different techniques the treatment in the home.

They are only able to reduce the intensity of the symptoms, but they are not able to cure. The most effective of the means used, as a complement to drug therapy include:

the prevention of the
  • compresses, the tincture and warming wraps, fruit cores, the green of the bark, the leaves and inflorescences of the plant well known for its medicinal properties, horse chestnut;
  • compresses and friction of the affected veins cider vinegar;
  • lotion and compresses infusion of the curd with wormwood;
  • foot of france and the promotion of blue clay;
  • the consumption of grape juice or red wine grape varieties.

And, certainly, not hurting anyone, approved and selected by the doctor special exercises physical therapy.

Prevention of varicose veins

As measures of prevention apply:

  • pour of the feet with a gradual decrease of the temperature, to improve the circulation of the blood;
  • foot baths with the subsequent crushing in a towel and applied the therapeutic cream;
  • massage;
  • at rest, keeping the feet in the elevated position.

We recommend: visit to hot steam rooms, saunas and baths, to exclude physical load on the legs. Balancing a nutritious diet and quit smoking and alcohol. Remove the excess weight and pick up the comfortable shoes.