How do you perform the laser removal of varicose veins?

Treatment of varicose veins with laser is the leading, reliable and less traumatic method. This disease delivery of cosmetic problem and is the pathology of the carrier a danger to the health of the person, as well as contributes to the alteration of venous vessels. You have the chance of forming a blood clot, which can, at any time of exit, and then death occurs. Carried out in the early stages of lazeroterapiya helps to overcome varicose veins and to achieve an excellent aesthetic result.

Indications and contraindications

treatment of varicose veins with laser

The reason to perform the operation with laser is varicose of the veins under the skin of the lower extremities. The laser treatment is used at the time of the mouth increased to over 1 see the deposits must have the same route without any abrupt breaks, and away from them rodeos — be healthy, or a little elevated. This methodology gives the positive effect only in an early stage of the disease, varicose veins expressed in a small degree.

Lazeroterapiya of the sample in a small stretch, so it is not able to negatively affect the nearby tissues. Do not apply in the vessels, if they occupy a large surface area. Its inefficiency, this method has been shown to and varicose veins of the deep veins.

In the list of contraindications for the treatment of the form of the clotting with the laser are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • the receipt of funds;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory and purulent processes in the lower extremities;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the intolerance to the elastic compression.

In spite of the contraindications to the completion of the intervention, directed to the liberation of varicose veins, it is enough, but they are specific and are subject to individual review.

How does the procedure of laser coagulation

Thanks clinic hardware is guaranteed the right to vote and the therapeutic effect in the area of the wall of the vein. Cold Laser does not allow the heating of the blood and the subsequent formation of a blood clot.

The elimination of the dilation of the vessels of the lower extremities begins with the labeling of the veins. With the help of the ultrasound machine marker marking affected vein of the grid. These operations allow in the future to enter through the discreet of the needle (with a diameter of 3 mm) led.

They then make a local anesthetic, most commonly used is the novocana, but can be applied and other anesthetics. This is solved by the anesthesiologist. Task of this procedure lies in the anesthesia and in the creation of the protective cover adjacent to the operated area. Is numbed with a fine needle under the control of the ultrasound.

After this is done the operation itself. The doctor selects the optimal mode and strength of impact on the affected area. Through a puncture in the vein a of a single led. When its stretched, it produces the treatment of the walls of the glass laser pulse. In this way, it is sticky. The man at the time of surgery often do not feel anything or feel a slight tingling.

The effects of the treatment of varicose veins with laser

Complications after laser coagulation of varicose veins occur on rare occasions. The effects of the operation are:

  • the formation of blood clots;
  • the development of inflammatory processes;
  • pus;
  • the burn of the dermis;
  • accumulation of blood beneath the skin;
  • the appearance of bruises.

During the first two days after treatment in the feet, you may experience a syndrome of pain, especially in regards to the city of vienna, in which the operation was performed. The seams in place of operations in the period of rehabilitation is necessary to handle with care. To do this, overlap the bandages. If the stitching, time will not be processed and bandages are not replaced in the cool of the wound may get worse.

The post-operative period

treatment of varicose veins

The use of compression of the lower extremities necessarily in the period of rehabilitation after the completion of treatment with laser varicose veins of the lower extremities. When you have finished laser procedure, when deleted, affected of vienna, necessarily, the doctor places an elastic bandage.

In the future bint change in a compression garment special. Due to the compression of the deep veins of the legs improves blood flow, surface blood vessels are expanding. Carrying special stockings, tights or socks required every day. After an operation it is forbidden to take photos even at night.

In the postoperative period is necessary to fulfill a series of simple rules. After a laser intervention for the solution of varicose veins, the man should follow. It is recommended to walk at least 1 hour. It is necessary at some point, stop to visit:

  • solarium;
  • the sauna;
  • spa centers.

Prohibited physical activity in the gym. Preventive treatment of varicose veins consists of active and a healthy lifestyle. After completing the treatment, the person must:

  • eat properly and control your weight;
  • leave the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • perform as hiking and cycling.

The physicians recommend exercises to improve the elasticity of the veins.

The cost of the

The total price for the treatment of varicose veins with laser is the sum of the following factors:

  • the consultation of a doctor;
  • prior ultrasound examination;
  • the anesthesia;
  • the complexity of the intervention;
  • the observation of your doctor.

The cost of laser coagulation of varicose veins also affect the stage of development of the disease, the localization of the foci of the defeat and of their number.