Ointment of varicose veins — a selection of the best option

The treatment of varicose veins of the veins in the legs must be comprehensive. In particular, for this, we use drugs that have local effects on the skin and the blood vessels. This disease causes many unpleasant symptoms, among which swelling, feeling of heaviness in the legs, inflammatory processes. The ointment varicose veins effectively eliminate the manifestations of the disease and prevent its development. Improve the tone of veins and are used for the prevention of complications. Varicose veins leads to thrombophlebitis, and trophic ulcers on the leg, which means that the treatment should be started as soon as emerged the first signs of the disease.

The manifestation of varicose veins

the legs

The causes and symptoms of varicose veins

Lately varicose veins increasingly affects young people, therefore, with this type of problem is facing not only people of age. Sometimes the operation that even those who have not attained the age of thirty years. If the relatives is varicose in the legs, or the parents suffered the intervention on this, then it is worth thinking about the prevention of this disease. The doctor that takes care of such problems – phlebologist. It will assess the human and turns to the conclusion of himself in the risk group. Genetic causes that predispose to this disease, but some of the factors that contribute to its occurrence, for example:

  • most varicose veins common in women than that of men;
  • a few kilos of weight;
  • the work, which consists of the long permanence in the legs;
  • available the man with the flat feet can also cause the disease;
  • hormonal disorders in the body, the endocrine diseases;
  • permanent stress;
  • the sedentary life leads to stagnant phenomenon.

The veins varicosasom called pathological varicose veins in the legs. The disease is accompanied by weakness of the valves that are found in the interior of the vessels. The circulation of the blood in the legs is broken, there appears the stagnation and swelling. The disease does not develop immediately, it begins with small symptoms that at first, the man may not give importance to the. At the beginning, the involvement of the vessels that were found in the surface, and then a pathology on the rise and a pathological process affects vienna, situated deeply.

Outwardly it manifests itself in the form of venous mesh, and the nodes, increase the risk of formation of blood clots. The possible complications are life-threatening: thrombosis (occlusion of the veins), venous thromboembolism and leg ulcers. The skin on the legs looks ugly, swelling of a long time do not go, outside visible increase of the vessels. This is accompanied by inflammation, the person feels discomfort and heaviness in the lower extremities.

Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins

Ointment varicose veins are not the only form of treatment, as well as to end up with this severe disease is possible only with the use of combined therapy. To do this, doctors prescribe medicines in the form of pills and ointments to complement, the provision of local impact. Exterior of the tool able to remove the symptoms of the disease.

Conservative treatment of the disease improves the circulation of blood through the vessels, and eliminates the stagnant phenomena. As a result of the swelling goes away, the inflammation is reduced the risk of blood clots is also reduced, serious complications develop with less frequency. Following considered creams and ointments that are considered to be more effective in the fight against the veins varicosasom.

What to choose: cream, gel, or ointment

Medicines for local use of the form of the output is divided into:

  • gel;
  • cream;
  • ointment.

These medicines are used for the prevention of the progression of the disease and conservative treatment (without surgery). Medications in the tubes vary in composition, many patients prefer to use gels, as they have a lightweight structure. After application on the skin gel instantly absorbs, so it is considered to be the most comfortable in use. The cream is a little denser texture, but also penetrates well into the skin and leaves no footprint. Ointment of varicose veins consists of fat components, and so it is, that it is not always convenient to use.

Pharmacies of the tool, which can be purchased with a prescription, it is:

  • medicines with horse chestnut;
  • medications heparin;
  • the ointment with troxerutin;
  • Nsaids in the form of gels or ointments (medication against inflammation).

Keep in mind that varicose veins is a serious disease that gives rise to serious consequences, so that the medication is not valid.