Varicose veins of the pelvis

Fairly common diagnosis in medical practice in the last years it has become a varicose of the veins of the pelvis, and is found both in men as in women. However, statistics show that the women face this problem more often to the opposite sex. Varicose veins of the veins of the pelvis affects all age groups of women, but with the increasing age in the proportion grows and the risk of suffering this pathology. In the reproductive age, varicose veins of the vessels of the pelvis may be detected by the 15-20% of women, while in the period of the menopause is diagnosed as 75-80% of the patients. In males the initial symptoms varicose veins in the pelvic area often manifest themselves in the range of 12 to 30 years.

varicose veins


The development of this disease contributes to a number of reasons. Some of them depend on the inheritance and the general state of health, while others are the result of a style of life and habits. Factors causing the appearance of varicose veins of the pelvis are:

  • the extension of the veins of the rectum and lower extremities;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the congenital weakness of the connective tissue and venous walls;
  • the development of tumors, tumors and hernias in the genitourinary system;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease in chronic form;
  • the sedentary life-style and static sports;
  • heavy physical activities;
  • forced prolonged position of standing or sitting;
  • the lack of sexual life regular;
  • nervous disorders and frequent sleep insufficient;
  • poor diet and excess weight;
  • bad habits.

According to the sex of the previous list was complemented with those or other factors. For example, the of men, of such a factor can become a feature of the structure of the vessels of the genital organs. This pathology, which bears the name of a varicocele – varicose veins of the seeds of the umbilical cord. Given the characteristics of the male anatomy, we can say that it is more likely that the disease is located on the left side.

Features of the development of varicose veins of the pelvis in women (the so-called female varicocele) condition the presence of the following risk factors:

  1. inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  2. mechanical pressure of the enlarged vein of the uterus;
  3. sexual disorders (discomfort during sexual intercourse, and anorgasmia);
  4. mighty and multiple pregnancies;
  5. multiple and complicated births;
  6. the hormonal change;
  7. hormonal therapy and contraception.

It is worth noting that, despite its high prevalence, the varicose veins of the pelvis very little, and maybe there are more reasons for its appearance.


The signs of varicose veins of the pelvis in the early stages of the development of the disease does not manifest. In male patients have the symptoms that most frequently can be detected only through the methods of palpation, ultrasound, functional samples and physical survey. Only when the extent of the injuries of veins very high, the varicose veins can manifest itself in deformation of the penis and severe pain, even at rest.

varicose veins of the pelvis

In patients of both sexes pain of varicose veins of the veins of the pelvis begin to be seen as the development of lesions in the vessels and the impairment of blood flow. Are located are in the lower part of the abdomen and does not have the same intensity, the majority of patients notice plaintive laments and pull the pain, that dan stump-lumbar area. They arise or become more obvious when walking, after a long period of static and dynamic loads.

Varicose veins of the veins of the pelvis in women, the symptoms that arises is that of the men:

  1. pain crisis in the lower part of the abdomen are distributed in the area of the crotch and reinforced, as a general rule, after a long stay in the standing position or sitting; in the first days of menstruation; after hypothermia;
  2. discomfort in the genitals and the pelvis in the sexual act and after some time after him.
  3. expressed premenstrual syndrome;
  4. an error in the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea): an increase of hope and the abundance of menstruation;
  5. increase in the secretion of the secretion of the genital organs external;
  6. as the occurrence of nodules in the area of the crotch;
  7. the particular sensitivity of the area of the crotch;
  8. the dysfunction of the urinary bladder.


Pregnancy is a kind of status indicator of the health of the woman. Many diseases are asymptomatic, manifest themselves in the period of the gestation of the fetus.

During pregnancy dizzying uterus takes up more and more space in the pelvis. At the end of the third quarter is reached the maximum size and buy other organs, pinch venous vessels. Its walls, due to the decrease of the tonicity of the uterus, in this period significantly weaker than usual. This physiological process causing harm to health, and pregnancy can aggravate the rupture of the veins of the bleeding. And in the puerperium, anemia, and painful sensations that cause problems with the veins.

With the growth of a fetus in the reflux of the blood from the uterus grows about 15 to 20 times, and valves of the machine of the vessels of the cavity of the uterus does not always exceed it. Occurs an infringement a one-way flow of blood, causing venous stasis and the inflammatory process. The blood flow starts to be carried out in an indirect way, participate in the weak of the small vessels of the minor pelvis. This leads to an excess of blood, and, as a consequence, is manifested varicose veins of the pelvis. It is not possible that after birth, can occur in the reverse process, and that the disease disappears.

Due to a violation of the bleeding varicose veins of the veins of the pelvis leads to deficiency of oxygen to the baby. Develops fetal hypoxia, sometimes serves as a pretext for performing a cesarean section.

During pregnancy it is especially important not to confuse the varicose veins of the uterus and the pelvis. Install exact of the disease will help only a survey, based on methods with a high level of ability of diagnosis: ultrasonography (ultrasound), computed tomography (ct), magnetic resonance imaging (mri). In this period of the life of the woman is given preference to the ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, because the ct scan involves exposure to radiation. Mri is absolutely safe, but it is not recommended to do in the first quarter. Indications for performing magnetic resonance imaging of the varicose veins of the pelvis are the results of the ultrasound.

During pregnancy to treat varicose veins of the veins of the pelvis using techniques of conservative therapy. Therefore, to completely get rid of the disease will possible after the birth. In these critical situations, resort to the type of surgical intervention. Then use minimally invasive methods of radio-frequency and laser coagulation.

In the treatment without an operation, all of the recommendations refer mainly to the adjustments of life style:

  • to increase physical activity. Hiking minimum of two hours a day, it is mandatory the possibility of rest;
  • exclude weight lifting;
  • you must follow a diet that includes foods rich in fiber (cereals, berries and fruit, vegetables) and with a high content of good fats;
  • take contrast showers, it is recommended that the use of the swimming pool;
  • from the second quarter, be sure to use an assigned type of compressive or prenatal bandage;
  • better sleep on your side with a little up of the feet;
  • perform respiratory and curative gymnastics.

When there is an immediate threat of a premature delivery, the treatment is carried out permanently, under the sponsorship of a health personnel.


Varicose veins of the veins of the pelvis treatment consists of therapy, different medications and special exercises of gymnastics.

The use of medication is essential in the acute phase the period of the course of the disease. The main active components are: diosmin, hesperidin, troxerutin, pentoxifylline. Complex vitamin, and pills that contain juice, extracts and vegetable oils, so it will be a moderate improvement in the condition of the patient.

Pregnant women doctors try to allocate funds (varicose veins of the pelvis) exclusively on the basis of natural components: horse chestnut extract, green tea extract, vitamins, oils, etc, that Is to say, those medicines which have least amount of side effects. Often the primary care doctor for the therapy gives the address in physical therapy, or curative gymnastics.

The gym exercises varicose veins of the pelvis have a wide range of actions. They are the main treatment that is at the same time the preventive value. Exercises involving the back muscles, the peritoneum, the pelvis and the hips, have a positive influence on the improvement of the blood stream. Given the strength of the load, the characteristics of the health status, the employment in the workplace and at home, you can find a set of exercises.

Exercises for the home may include the following structure:

  • the exercise of the "Cycling": the rotation of the feet, in the supine position. 15-20 approaches;
  • the exercise of the "Strip of the knee": raise the knee towards the chest, putting the socks up, we set the position for a few seconds. 10 the approaches of each of the legs;
  • the exercise "Scissors": in a supine position, keeping the arms along the trunk, the legs straight, the socks are stretched from ourselves, from the tail of crossed legs. The 15 approaches;
  • the exercise of the "Sailing": the head, neck, and shoulders are on the floor, the body must be fixed in a vertical position, the back, you can hold with your hands, perform for 5 to 7 minutes;
  • the exercise of the flexibility of the back: the bracket must be in the palm of your hand and knees, first bend, then straighten the back. 10 approaches.

In the work, for example, you can perform the following set of exercises:

  • of urging and straightening of the toes;
  • the rotational movement of the foot in the sitting position, 10 times;
  • by turn transfer the weight of the body on one leg to another.

In the initial stages of the disease to complement the treatment of varicose veins of the pelvis can remedies. These include the adoption of stimulus of the baths, the consumption of anti-inflammatories, jars, and contribute to the hematopoiesis process of cooking.

The majority of the media, it is easy to prepare at home. Preferences in the treatment of the disease occurs: the fruits and color of chestnut, birch chaga, the roots of dandelion, the flowers of the chamomile.

A special place is in the treatment of prevention:

  • the compliance of a healthy lifestyle (quit smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages);
  • regime the food (to eat small portions, 5 times a day at regular intervals of time);
  • the optimal ratio of loads and leisure
  • sexual life after of varicose veins of the pelvis should be moderate;
  • the regular monitoring of the indicators of the blood;
  • visit flebologa.

After the healing of the disease, the patient will mark the improvement, not only physical, but also mental and emotional state.

exercises varicose veins