Exercises varicose veins: what can be and what is not, a series of exercises

Sometimes, however, clearly acting on the feet of the blue expenses, called varicose veins, the intense physical strain becomes the main cause of the discomfort and pain in the legs. And then the question arises: how you can practice sport in varicose veins?

Consider how compatible sport and varicose veins, and what can be the exercises of varicose veins.

exercises varicose veins

The sport and varicose veins: if it is a good idea?

In modern medicine the varicose veins is being called one of the exchange rates of the veins, which is manifested in the form of expansion, the increase of superficial veins, and is accompanied by a violation of the hemorrhage. This disease, which, according to the statistics, often suffered by women, it brings many problems: venous mesh in the foot not only looks very unattractive and is accompanied by painful sensations, but that also leads to the emergence of a dangerous disease – thrombophlebitis.

However, varicose veins, against of occur opinion, is not the cause of the failure of the sport. The sport and varicose veins – notions fully supported, in addition, the correct structure of the exercises is able to improve the circulation of the blood in the vessels and prevent the progression and the development of the disease.

So that the sport became a friend and not an enemy of varicose veins, it is necessary to observe a number of rules:

  1. Take into account the intensity of the exercise. The main rule of sports of varicose veins better and easier, but more often. Therefore, the increase of the intensity of loads implies an increase of the number of repetitions, and not the complexity of the exercises and the speed of its execution.
  2. Select "correct" exercise. Physical exercise for varicose veins of the lower extremities should not be limited to force of pressure. The best option for people who suffer from a similar disease, they will become all kinds of bending and rotation in the ankle, hip and knees, the exercises of type "sock-heel", "scissors" and "bicycle".
  3. To stay in shape. To soften the shock wave, such as running or jumping, you must be careful about the "correct" choice of shoes and clothing. Specialists recommend that people who suffer from varicose veins, give the preference of athletic shoes a "cushion of air". In addition, this shoe should not be tight, otherwise it may cause disorders of blood flow in the legs. And for the maintenance of the venous walls with a strong tension in the legs, experts advise to choose the compression garment. This is not only useful, but also convenient!

Train vienna: what to choose?

In varicose veins is of great importance in motor activity. However, not every exercise may be helpful for varicose veins. So, people who suffer from such a disease, the specialists do not recommend to practice step-aerobics, because it gives a lot of pressure in the legs and can be a cause of aches and pains in the legs, as well as callanetics, which is based on the intensities of a static charge. And here is the fitness of varicose veins, against of occur opinion, on the contrary, it can be useful, of course, if you deal with it under the supervision of physical conditioning and not exceed recommended load.

The main specialists and trainers in the varicose veins are advised to give preference to yoga and pilates, which involve a slow and self-contained work. In addition, the majority of the exercises of these addresses run in reverse poses.

Not less useful when varicose veins walking. Measured and unhurried, which improves the circulation of blood in the legs and will become an excellent prevention of varicose veins. A similar effect has and biking. In the time bike, the person performs movements of rotation, due to which the blood begins to flow faster in the veins, which reduces the phenomena related to the stagnation of the venous blood.

However, they are most useful for varicose veins will become in the water exercises, especially water aerobics and swimming. Its effectiveness is conditioned to the water exerts an important pressure on the muscles, toning and improving the venous reflux. In addition, in the water, you can perform any of the exercises, including those which are prohibited in the earth.

The gymnastics of varicose veins

Despite the intense sporting loads are contraindicated in varicose veins, there is a gym, which allows you to relieve tension in the legs, normalize blood circulation, remove the stasis of the venous blood, therefore, and to get rid of this evil disease. What exercises can be done for varicose veins? Consider the example of the exercises for varicose veins in the legs.

Exercises in a standing position

standing exercises
  1. Getting up gently, putting the feet parallel to each other. Turn up your socks and get down to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 to 25 times.
  2. Walk on the ground alternatively on the heels, the socks and the ski station of step (without lifting the strike of the surface). The duration of the tour is 3 to 5 minutes.

Exercises in sitting position

  1. Sit in a chair, lift the left leg above the floor and turn your feet in direction of the needles of the clock (15-20 spins), then in the opposite direction. At the end, similar to the exercises done with the right foot.
  2. In the sitting position, bend and stretch the toes, as if trying to grab them by the surface. Keep the tension in the fingers before the onset of fatigue. Then relax and repeat this exercise several times.

Exercises in the supine position

  1. Lying on the back, bend the knees and pedal imaginary bicycle. When performing this exercise, it is very important to stretch the feet until the end.
  2. Lying on the back, tighten the legs towards the chest, stretch your bra and down slowly. Repeat the exercise 5 to 8 times.
  3. Take a horizontal position, stretching the arms along the trunk. The feet lift on the ground level and begin your cross, imitating the work of the scissors. Auto setting the pace and the speed of execution of the exercises, however, keep in mind that your breathing should stay the same.

As you can see, these exercises for varicose veins do not require great physical effort, it can easily be performed at home. They are extremely useful when they appear the first symptoms of the disease and with the right, the usual can be an excellent prevention of varicose veins, in a long period of arrested to the aggravation of the not of the demonstrations.