The apple cider vinegar varicose veins in the legs: the treatment of useful properties and methods of application

In ancient times the egyptians and the chinese knew a lot about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. It is the tool that is use for the release of numerous human diseases. And to the mid-twentieth century, one of the famous foreign doctors wrote about the beneficial properties of vinegar throughout the book, glorifying in the coming years.

the apple cider vinegar for varicose veins in the legs

More than ten varieties of amino acids, vitamins and beta-carotene, a variety of minerals, oxalic, citric, lactic and other acids, the pectin is present in the composition of the unique and universal tool.

Since ancient times it was used for interior and exterior applications to restore the active metabolism, the cleaning of the slag, and the removal of toxins, the stabilization of the balance of sodium and potassium, reduce appetite, and the normalization of the process of digestion, the release of a variety of problems of the cosmetology.

It is especially effective apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins, which are most often used.

The fight against the extension of the veins: remedy

Cure varicose veins at home is possible, if one listens correctly the methods of treatment and use the apple cider vinegar. This product helps to clean the skin of the water and improve its tone, normalize the functioning of the circulatory system. For the treatment of varicose veins cider vinegar, you need to correctly apply it.

Til action fragile blood vessels vinegar provided at the expense of the content of components such as:

  • Propionic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, Apple, oxalic and other acids.
  • Phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, and other trace elements.
  • The whole complex of vitamins E, c, A, S.

Nutrients, trace elements, enzymes, quickly absorbed by the body and provide a quick and efficient access of the liberation of varicose veins.

The vinegar stops the main symptoms specified of the disease, reduces the pain and swelling of arthritis, heal wounds and is very useful antioxidant.

The basic techniques of the application of

Many people use apple cider vinegar for varicose veins and get better results in the improvement of the status of the blood vessels and the epidermis. The painful symptoms can be cut by the right use.

1. The chaffing is considered one of the most simple and effective forms of treatment. Simply take a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, wet it with the vinegar and wipe swollen of vienna. Do not rinse, the tool should be completely dried.

You can repeat this procedure two or three times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks. If necessary you can repeat, but usually this is enough time for the outrage of the symptoms of varicose veins.

2. Acetic acid baths – very effective technique for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs. Need a great capacity of the pelvis. In it is necessary to pour a liter of apple cider vinegar and mix with the water. Then, drop the feet in a container of about 15-20 minutes. After this, it is not necessary to clean with a towel – allow it to dry completely therapeutic. When this keep the legs in a vertical position. Use this procedure several times a week, depending on the severity of the disease.

3. The wrap is a procedure that requires a gauze napkin. Prepare a gauze and pour the vinegar in a small container. Adopt the horizontal position of the body, and under his feet lay the pad or the roller special. Then, dip the napkins in the media, a little press, and apply to problem areas of the skin. Place a small gauze service and tighten Terry a towel to further warming.

Keep the feet of 40-60 minutes. Remove the towel and the package, remove the gauze – or that they do not clean the remains of vinegar. Must be completely absorbed, otherwise, the procedure will not be effective.

4. For the rinse necessary to make a solution of vinegar – a glass three liters of water. Take the cooked of the tool and rinse your feet. You can do this type of manipulation is not more than six times a day. After the procedure, not the sweep of the leg should be completely dry to absorb the mortar.

the application of vinegar

5. The effectiveness of the apple, the product of the varicose veins in the legs tested and proven by health professionals. Many of the medications effectiveness does not compare with this popular tool.

It is recommended to periodically make special packs. First prepare pure waffle towel and press it into the vinegar. Wrap the legs in two layers and leave minutes on twenty.

During the overlap of a compress of a person must be in a horizontal position. After the routine of the feet do not wipe with a dry cloth.

6. The application of the apple "medicine" in the home implies their consumption in the interior. A cup of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar, and is taken between an empty stomach several times a week. To enhance the taste, you can sweeten with honey.

A little bit about the contraindications

About the miraculous benefits of popular tool a lot has been said. But the apple cider vinegar has its contraindications. It is not recommended to engage in the reception inside, if you are suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys, the organs genito-urinary.

The acid-containing vinegar, the long-term and abundant intake, gradually destroying the sheath of the stomach and can cause gastritis, peptic ulcer disease. Also the reception is not recommended for cirrhosis of the liver.

The damage apple cider vinegar will be significant to the people who run the cystitis expressed in a severe manner. Inflammation of the bladder can only worsen.

It prohibits the use of this popular tool of the acute pancreatitis. You can cause a serious worsening of the disease.

Patients with allergy, and has the individual intolerance of the components of apple cider vinegar, it is strictly forbidden to use even in small quantities.

Find in the store or you can prepare it at home: choose the best option

The search for this tool in stores and pharmacies may not be successful. No one guarantees that the purchased product is safe, effective and suitable for the treatment of varicose veins and home use. Find the apple cider vinegar natural with all the vitamins and enzymes, that passed before, it is simply impossible.

It is best to prepare at home, to be sure of the outstanding of the properties of a single product.

The first recipe

Use only natural, apple juice and already prepared with wine vinegar in function of the yeast. In some cases you can make the tool and without yeast, but then you must wait for the end of the cooking about twelve weeks.

Press of ripe apples sufficient amount of juice and pour in a crystal container. Cover the gauze with a towel and wait for it to complete natural fermentation. First will be the wine, and a few days later, the prepared vinegar.

The second recipe

As the yeast if you want, you can use and black bread. Wash and cut ripe apples. Place them in a convenient kitchen. But plastic the ability to use undesirable. Add a little sugar and bread. Keep a close eye on the fermentation process. If through five to seven days that it has not yet begun, put a little sugar or unwashed raisins.

After a few weeks strain the liquid of apple in the batter and store it in a warm place for 14 days. Then, on the surface of the ware to form the acid and the womb. When it descends into the lower part of the tool can be used in its entirety.

The third recipe

Guarantee productive release of varicose veins is a good vinegar homemade. Wash ripe, sweet apples, and cut in blender. Place the resulting dough in a pot or in a pot. Fill it with hot water, add sugar (no more than fifty grams to 1 kg of fruit).


Remove the container in a warm place and within a period of two weeks insist and stirring regularly, so that they were not crust on the surface. Once elapsed the term strain well and that you fly the liquid in another container. Through the week and a half of vinegar will be ready to use.

Because the product that must filter and pour on bottles. For filtration it is recommended to use a gauze. It is a home remedy for the good of the berries will be more effective. Necessarily start a treatment to the formation of small spider veins.

The disease is rapidly progressing, and very varicose veins of apple cider vinegar may not help. The high efficiency of this home of the tried and tested recipe and confirmed by the many positive comments. Can you use a methodology or several at the same time.

House vinegar exceptional eliminates the symptoms of the disease, relieves pain and normalizes the microcirculation of the blood. Healthy veins is the result of the active implementation of apple "drugs". Cook your for these recipes to increase the degree of effective impact.