The power of varicose veins: features and rules

The basic rules of feeding the varicose veins with the aim of improving the efficiency of the therapy. About what you can and cannot eat on the diseases of the veins us today and let's talk.

The goal of the special power

the diet of varicose veins

The pathology is chronic, therefore, requires an integrated approach. In addition to a proper diet you must adhere to all the prescriptions of your doctor prevention. Wearing the compression garment, moderately dosed physical effort.

The diet aims to:

  1. The strengthening of the walls of the vessels. The food rich in vitamins and micronutrients, contributes to improving the elasticity and reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Reduction of the viscosity of the blood. To thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots, it is recommended to comply with the regime of drinking and avoid dehydration.
  3. The reduction of the swelling of the tissues. The power help to solve the problem with the retention of fluids in the body, which is the main cause of the swelling.
  4. Normalize the functioning of the intestine. Toxic substances, which are deposited in the body due to regular constipation, have a negative impact in vienna. In consequence, increases the pressure on the walls of the blood vessels and the pressure in the lower extremities/pelvic organs.
  5. The fight against the overweight. The extra pounds causes an increase of the pressure in the blood vessels, the channels, which is one of the main factors that cause varicose veins.

An active lifestyle and a correct diet in a short time to restore the decline of vienna.

Follow a diet is necessary and after treatment minimally invasive methods. The pathology in the majority of cases it returns again. Bad habits and bad food in the best conditions for a relapse.

The principles of the diet

When drafting the letter, the doctor will take into account:

  • the age of the patient;
  • the weight;
  • the style of life;
  • the inheritance;
  • the propensity to suffer from allergies.

The diet is based on the consumption of products which contribute to normal blood circulation, accelerate lymph flow, prevent stuck phenomenon. Correct diet balanced will inhibit the formation of inflammation in the blood vessels.

What is useful

Useful for the health of the veins are:

  • the routine;
  • the dietary fiber;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • of copper;
  • potassium;
  • the magnesium, etc

Table useful of vitamins and trace elements

The nutrients Always effect Where are
Vegetable fiber It improves digestion, prevents constipation Bran, cereals, vegetables, fruits
Vitamin C Dilutes the blood, relieves inflammation of the veins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels Blueberries, citrus, kiwi, apple, currant, gooseberry, vegetables
Vitamin E Protects against damage of the muscle membrane Wheat germ, vegetable oils, nuts, eggs, sheet salad
Bioflavonoids Stabilize the cell membranes involved in the synthesis of collagens, enhancing the elasticity of the blood vessels channels The green tea, buckwheat, berries, citrus
Zinc Normalizes the viscosity of the blood, participates in hematopoiesis The yolk of the egg, the nuts, the liver of cow and soy
Omega-3 fatty acids Protects against damage of the vessels, contributes to the reduction of cholesterol Seafood, spinach, vegetables, cod liver oil, fish
The silicon Participates in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, promotes strengthening of walls of vessels Beans, buckwheat, rice, wheat, oats, soybeans, grapes
Copper Prevents the degradation and the expansion of the veins, participates in the synthesis of elastin Seafood, cabbage, navy

That must be charming to be present in the diet

Positively influence channels:

  1. The flesh of chicken, veal, rabbit. It is desirable, so that the meat has been cooked to the steam. It is also useful when varicose veins and the liver of a cow. But the fat of the pork, it is better to leave.
  2. The fish and seafood, prawns, calamari, mussels are an excellent alternative to meat dishes.
  3. Vegetables. The cabbage, the tomatoes, the peppers, the carrots, the beets are the products that should be the basis of the daily diet in case of problems with the health of the veins.
  4. Grains – long brown rice, buckwheat. Able to provide the body with the necessary energy. Containing grass fiber and micronutrients.
  5. The marine algae. Contain minerals that positively influence the recovery of the vessels.
  6. The dry fruits. The apricots and prunes in a large amount contain a large amount of various micronutrients, including potassium and magnesium, which contribute to the aclaracin of the blood and strengthen the city of vienna. They are an excellent alternative to sweets.
  7. Condiments. Turmeric, ginger and thyme in its composition have components that help to improve the properties of the blood.
  8. Seafood. Take body omega-3 fatty acids. Through them occurs the resorption of cholesterol from the platelet, which has beneficial effects in the bloodstream.
  9. Nuts and legumes. In its composition contains vitamin E, easily digestible proteins of plant origin.
  10. Fruits, and berries. Have a positive influence on the respiration, since they are a source of vitamin C.
  11. Ear of wheat. In addition to help to cleanse the body, contains amino acids, fatty acids vitamins.
  12. The oil of olive. Contains large amount of vitamin E. the Oil, simply add them to salads.

That, under the ban of the

the correct power of varicose veins

Want to get rid of varicose veins should be avoided:

  1. Roast of meat. Pulls out the body of cholesterol. The blood becomes more viscous, inelastic veins hard to move towards the heart.
  2. Mayonnaise. When cooking it is best to use milk sauces. Are more useful, and will make the dish even more tasty.
  3. The packaged juices. Practically do not contain useful substances. Therefore, it is best to prepare the food. Too juices acids it is better to dilute in water in a ratio of 1:3. So that the body receives the elements, not damaging the stomach.

Dangerous are:

  • the alcoholic drinks. Cause the swelling, contribute to the formation of blood clots. Many of those interested in the question of whether you can in the treatment of varicose veins of drinking alcoholic beverages and energy. The answer, no, which aggravate the course of the disease;
  • the strong coffee and tea. These drinks make the blood more viscous, which significantly increases the pressure;
  • the smoked products. Contribute to the development of inflammatory processes;
  • salt. Different in vinegar, pickles cause swelling of the extremities;
  • the carbonated beverages. Contribute to the development of varicose veins in the legs;
  • sweets. Its intemperate ingestion can cause the appearance of excess weight. This in turn leads to the development of serious diseases of the blood vessels.

You must also refrain from processed food, canned food, hamburger, spices. In its composition contains natural components.

Characteristics treatment of drinking water

So that blood is well distributed, it must comply with the regime of drinking. Calculate the volume of water may be as follows: for each kilo of weight of 40 milliliters of water.

Therefore, a girl in 60 kg per day, should take no less than 2.4 liter.

There is an opinion that in the treatment of varicose veins, you can drink less water the standard indicated, as it contains common in soups, juices, tea. It is a fallacy. In the above mentioned products there are substances which, on the contrary, hinder the aclaracin of the blood.

Much will dehydrate the body, strong tea and coffee. Therefore, it is best to drink compotes, fruit drinks, infusions and juices.

Optimal calories

The rule of calories in the diet will be of 30 kcal per kilogram of weight. As a woman who weighs 60 kg should consume prior to 1800 kcal.

If there is the need to reduce the weight, the standard will be of 1200 kcal for women and 1500 for men.

Special instructions

All the diets of varicose veins objective is the reduction of weight, as many of you know that this disease is more common in the full of people. Therefore, when you are composing the letter should exclude all the elements that contribute to the formation of edema in the lower extremities.

The bulk of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. Cook the food, you should steam, bake or cook.

Remove the swelling, help the products containing in its composition of fibers and proteins. It is a berry, dairy products, cereals, whole grains, bran.

Eat often and in small portions. A couple of times a week is worth giving a download day. In this period you should limit the consumption of food and prefer water, juices, juice drinks, and green tea.

Sample menu feeding the varicose veins

About the menu, can form in this way:

  1. Breakfast. Porridge on milk or water. To complement its possible to chopped fruit and berries.
  2. The second breakfast. A salad and a green tea.
  3. Lunch. Soup or stew the fish and the salad with the vegetables.
  4. The tea of the afternoon. Yogurt with fruit or berries.
  5. Dinner. Rice or buckwheat rice with vegetables or fish.
  6. 3 hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of milk, yogurt or pudding.

One of the suitable diets of varicose veins will be directed to the normalization of weight. Includes:

Breakfast A small snack of bread and cheese, 150 gr of fruit and half a glass of juice.
The second breakfast Natural yogurt or green tea.
Lunch Baked fish with side dishes of grains or vegetables.
The afternoon tea Fruit or vegetable salad filled with olive oil.
The dinner Tomato soup with black bread or cooking of the cheese and the eggs.
the menu

Remember that the power supply must agree with your gp. He will tell you what type of products suits You.